Repayment schedule provides a repayment life cycle of the loan account. It provides the details of Interest, Principal, Charges, Installment amount and due date of the loan across the loan tenure.
It allows customers to know loan schedule with respect to repayment of the loan. Repayment schedule helps customers understand the frequency of repayment, the number of repayments, principal and interest part to be repaid in loan tenure.
How to reach here:
Loan Dashboard > Loan Account Card > Loan Details > Schedule > Schedule Inquiry
Field Name |
Description |
Customer Name |
Name of primary account holder in the loan account. Note: It displays the primary account holder name in case if the account has multiple borrowers. |
Loan Account Number |
Loan account number in masked format. |
First Installment |
Date of first installment payment in the loan account. |
Last Installment |
Date of last installment payment in the loan account. |
Total Installments |
Total number of installments applicable for the loan account. |
Installments Paid |
Number of Installments paid till date for the loan account. |
Amount paid till date |
Total amount paid till date for the loan account. |
Date Range |
Select the period for which installment details in the repayment schedule to be seen. |
Sr No. |
Serial number of the transaction list. |
Due Date |
Date of scheduled installment payment. |
Principal |
Principal amount that is due corresponding to the installment date. |
Interest |
Interest amount that is due corresponding to the installment date. |
Charges |
Charge (fee) amount that is due corresponding to the installment date. |
Installment |
Total installment amount that is due corresponding to the installment date. |
Unpaid Installment |
Unpaid installment amount corresponding to the installment date. |
To view loan schedule: